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Sunday, November 17, 2013

What is the policy?

A boy asks his father :
Papa , I have to make a presentation at school
is that I can ask you a few Questions?
Yes of course , go on what you want know?
- What is the policy?
The father thought for a bit and then starts:
- Well, here , take as an example our home.
I am an employee , so I win
money, so call me " Capitalism" .
Your mother is the administrator of the estate , call it "government" .
We need to take care of you and meet your needs ,
therefore thou art " the people."
Good call " the working class " and your little sister
which has only one year , " the future."
Is it clearer now ? Little thought and said:
- I am not very sure, but I 'll think.
That night, awakened by the cries of his sister , the boy
will see what is wrong.
Discovering that her younger sister seriously filled his bed
little goes to his parents' bedroom ,
and seeing that his mother is asleep , he will see
in the maid's room , where througha keyhole ,
he sees his father jumping the good .
The little one is so disgusted by what he saw it returns
in his room and went back to bed .
The next morning breakfast will see its father :
- That's it Dad, now I think I
understand what it is that policy.
- Very good son ! Tell me
Now with your own words .
- Well, while Capitalism
fuck the Working Class ,
The Government is deeply
asleep, the People are completely
ignored and the Future is in deep shit ...

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