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Sunday, June 23, 2013

stifle all the time

A guy goes to the doctor and said:-At night, it's okay, but when I arrived atoffice, I rednessfull figure and I begin tochoking me ...The doctor said:-Take off your clothes!It sounds out of the bottom and he said:-This is the liver. Necessary to remove the liver.The guy between the clinic and fifteen dayslater he emerges with the liverless.He returned to his office, he looksice in the toilet,he sees that he has a rash on the face andhe feels that he begins tochoke.So this time, he will see a largespecialist which makes it a lotanalysisand sampling and ended by saying:-It comes from the stomach ... It will make youablation of the stomach.And presto! One month clinic, itremoves the stomach, and during hisconvalescence,more redness or choking. Theguy is happy, it payscliniche returned home and went to bed.The next morning, he goes to the office andIt is hardly in the street it startsto choke and become red. Oneambulance picked up, the trimballein the hospital, all doctorsbegin to wonder about his case, andUltimately, they decided itremoving the intestine.After three months, he is recoveringpainfully up and tells him:-That's it! You'll never have toredness or choking, onlyyou no more than five or sixmonths to live ...-Well, the guy said, if it's like that, thatleast I finished in style!It performs all his savings, he boughta nice car, it paysgirlsextraordinary and he decided to becomevery elegant. He enters a largestore, he ordered five suitsmeasurement, twelve ties,twenty pairs of shoes and he said:-I want a shirt dayfor five months.It's 150 shirts!-Well, says the seller. Wait until Iyou take steps ...57 sleeve length 75 towersize, total length 63and 40 ... necklineNo, says the guy. The neck is not40 is 37 ...Sir, you have 40 neck, Ijust measure!No, 37, I tell you!-Well, listen, it's as you like.But if you wear shirtswith 37 neckline, you will havefull redness Figureand stifle all the time ...

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